четверг, 19 сентября 2024 г.

What games are old enough to be reinvented?

 I share the idea that  every new generation  reinvents old toys and games, leveraging the latest technology to create fresh experiences.
The process of reinventing is powered by:

- Nostalgia and Familiarity: Kids (and adults) naturally connect with familiar things. Reimagining classic toys and games taps into nostalgia and makes them feel comfortable and relatable.
- Technological Advancement: Technology provides endless new possibilities for enhancing gameplay and making old ideas more immersive and engaging.
- The Appeal of the "New": New generations crave novelty and excitement. Reinventing old concepts with a modern twist keeps things fresh and appealing.

The main question is what game is old enough to be reinveted and is it a right moment for this game to be reinvented?

If you are old enough you remember hand-held electronic games that were popular in 80s.

These games were replaced by mobile games  . Driven by nostalgia I have created something  similar but with  some improvements.  I have used fidget spinner as a game controller . The game is an "abstract golf simulator" . This month I have got utility patent for this game.  The first prototype  looks like this :
The next is to make  a  prototype for two players.  

Inside one can see ESP32 , Hall sensor Arduino  modules and LCD1602 I2C displays.


Coding is almost finished. I need to add sound buzzer somehow.
 The target group for this game  I can  describe as  senior people who have plenty of  time for  gaming   with pauses for small   talk, drinking beer or   smoking with friends .
Part II
Classic golf is popular  in English-speaking countries mainly.  Generally, there is no problems to change the rules and  scoring system in a "bocce" style!
Bocce game includes one small ball ( called "pallina") and two sets of four balls for two players.

In my unidimesional  " Bocce" game players  have up to  18 virtual "pallina" values measured in the numbers of rotations of spinner. Two players have to make four attempts to turn their spinners to get the number of rotations  equal or close to the current "pallino" value. When both players will finish  four rotation sessions , the final score will be displayed and new "pallina" value will be offered and displayed .   Such mode of game looks faster than classic "golf" mode. It is interesting to know what people from  countries where Bocce is still popular ( Italy, Spain and France)   think about this version  of my project?

#minigolf,#tabletopgame , #Arduino ,#ESP32,#altctrl, #DIYgame, #pubgame,#electronicgame,#fidgetspinner,#spinner #Bocce




пятница, 9 августа 2024 г.

Additional niche for my golf-themed electronic game

 I am glad that    I have managed  to correct all mistakes in my utility patent application. It was not easy , because I did it myself and without any support from patent lawyer !My utility patent  will be marked as:  u13551BY.

In real golf game the time intervals between shots are filled with .... walking.

 Webb Simpson wins The Players Championship

 In my case , I need  to find some kind of additional   activity  while spinner is turning.

 And this activity must be also relaxing! I was surprised by the fact that the same problem occurs in hookah bars. Visitors in hookah bars need something to do while smoking. 

 Every fidget spinner has definite relax features,  so it is interesting  to combine shisha smoking with some new  board games.

In the Middle East  it is natural to smoke and play traditional local  board games.


In the West countries some people do the same .

Of cause I need to adjust the mechanical part of my game for one hand control. It may looks like this for one player case.

For two players we may combine two separate gaming devices or create a  bigger one.


My game needs from 20 minutes to 1 hour to make all 18 holes. One smoking session  takes nearly the same time.  

It will be nice to get any feedback from the owners of hookah lounges.

воскресенье, 25 февраля 2024 г.

Evolution of hand spinner : from fidget toy to hand-held game

  As inventor I like to chat with ChatGPT  because :

  1. it always answers my questions, no matter how stupid they are
  2. it gives me an alternative point of view
  3. it saves me a lot of time

Seven years ago  fidget hand spinners were very popular. When I asked ChatGPT to describe the current situation , it answered me  the following.

Several factors contribute to the stagnation of the fidget hand spinner market:

1. Saturation: The market became oversaturated with a wide range of fidget spinner products, leading to increased competition and price wars. This saturation can make it challenging for new products to stand out without unique features or innovations.

2. Fad vs. Longevity: Fidget spinners were initially seen as a trendy fad rather than a long-term product category. As with many fads, the initial hype and demand eventually waned, resulting in a decline in consumer interest and sales.

3. Lack of Innovation: The lack of significant innovation or new ideas in fidget spinner design and functionality has contributed to the market stagnation. Without new features or improvements to attract consumers, the appeal of fidget spinners may diminish over time.

4. Shifting Consumer Preferences: Consumer preferences and trends in the toy industry are constantly evolving. As new toys and gadgets enter the market, consumer interest may shift away from fidget spinners towards other products that offer novel experiences or benefits.

While the fidget hand spinner market may be experiencing stagnation without new ideas, there is still potential for innovation and revitalization within the category. Introducing unique features, materials, designs, or incorporating technology can help reinvigorate interest in fidget spinners and attract new consumers.

Additionally, exploring new market segments, such as stress relief tools for adults, educational fidget toys for children, or customizable spinners, can provide opportunities for growth and differentiation in the fidget spinner market.

Overall, the fidget hand spinner market may benefit from fresh ideas, innovation, and strategic marketing efforts to reignite consumer interest and drive renewed growth in the evolving toy industry landscape.

So, all I need  is to find    "fresh ideas, innovation  to reignite consumer interest and drive renewed growth in the evolving toy industry landscape."

Hand-held electronic games were very popular in 80s. One can say that such games were forgotten forever .

 But let us look carefully at the current hit , called "Pop it".

It looks as a reimagined hand-held game from 80s! 

I asked ChatGPT if it is so and got an answer.

The success of the POP-IT game, a tactile sensory toy that has gained popularity for its satisfying popping sounds and textures, demonstrates that hand-held games and toys can still capture the interest and engagement of consumers. While the POP-IT game is not a traditional electronic game like those popular in the 80s, it falls under the category of hand-held tactile toys that provide sensory stimulation and interactive play.

The success of the POP-IT game highlights several key points that suggest hand-held electronic games still have a chance in the market:

1. Tactile and Sensory Appeal: Hand-held toys like the POP-IT game offer tactile and sensory experiences that appeal to a wide range of users, including children, teens, and adults. The satisfying popping sounds and textures of the POP-IT game engage the senses and provide a unique play experience.

2. Simple and Addictive Gameplay: The POP-IT game's simple yet addictive gameplay has contributed to its popularity. Hand-held electronic games that offer intuitive gameplay mechanics, quick play sessions, and a sense of satisfaction can attract and retain players.

3. Nostalgia and Retro Appeal: Hand-held electronic games that tap into nostalgia, retro designs, or classic gameplay mechanics can resonate with consumers looking for a sense of nostalgia or a break from digital screens. The success of retro-inspired toys like the POP-IT game suggests a market for nostalgic and classic gaming experiences.

4. Innovation and Novelty: Hand-held electronic games that innovate with new features, technologies, or gameplay mechanics can stand out in the market and attract consumer interest. Creative ideas, unique designs, and interactive elements can differentiate hand-held games in a competitive toy industry landscape.

While the success of the POP-IT game may not directly correlate with traditional hand-held electronic games from the 80s, it does showcase the enduring appeal of tactile, interactive toys that offer engaging play experiences. By incorporating elements of tactile stimulation, sensory play, simplicity, nostalgia, and innovation, hand-held electronic games have the potential to capture consumer attention and carve out a niche in the evolving toy market.

 Last phrase  sounds  like a project scope  for me :  By incorporating elements of tactile stimulation, sensory play, simplicity, nostalgia, and innovation, hand-held electronic games have the potential to capture consumer attention and carve out a niche in the evolving toy market.

As an experiment , I took an old idea of hand-held electronic golf  game   made by Radica.

 I  have made a prototype of the  electronic  game with classic fidget hand spinner as a  game controller . First prototype   was made from my  lunch box, old  fidget spinner and used Arduino modules. I called this game "Spinner Masters" as it has scoring system as  a real golf game.


1" OLED display  seems to be too small, so I made  a LCD version too.

As in real golf one can find   18  "virtual" holes in my game  . In order to move "virtual" ball  from the first "virtual"  hole to the last one, player has to rotate spinner as a game controller.   Every "stroke"in this game   must be performed with specific force and speed   with a reference to the current position of the "virtual" ball. 

When I  explained ChatGPT my game and asked  it to prepare several OSBS ( one sentence benefit statement)  , I got the following :

  1. "Experience the perfect blend of focus and relaxation with our innovative stress relief game, combining the nostalgia of hand-held electronic games with the tactile satisfaction of a fidget spinner and the strategic challenge of golf."
  2.  "Elevate your stress relief routine with our unique desktop spinning game, offering a refreshing twist on hand-held electronic games by incorporating a fidget spinner and the strategic elements of golf."
  3. "Rediscover the joy of gaming while relieving stress with our inventive desktop spinner game, where the fusion of hand-held electronic games, fidget spinners, and the scoring system of golf creates a captivating and therapeutic experience."
  4. "Enhance your productivity and well-being with our one-of-a-kind stress relief desktop game, harnessing the power of hand-held electronic games, fidget spinners, and the calming rhythm of golf to provide a rejuvenating break from work."
  5.  "Immerse yourself in a unique stress-busting experience with our desktop spinning game, combining the simplicity of hand-held electronic games, the tactile satisfaction of a fidget spinner, and the strategic challenge of golf to help you find balance and relaxation."

 It looks that ChatGPT is much better specialist in marketing than I .

 Imho, target group  for this game is formed by 35+  men who spend  working hours in office , dreaming about  golfing holidays. 

As an invention, this idea was submitted as utility patent application  a month ago.  

Now I am looking for a toy\game company for licensing. 



What games are old enough to be reinvented?

  I share the idea that  every new generation  reinvents old toys and games, leveraging the latest technology to create fresh experiences. T...