четверг, 19 сентября 2024 г.

What games are old enough to be reinvented?

 I share the idea that  every new generation  reinvents old toys and games, leveraging the latest technology to create fresh experiences.
The process of reinventing is powered by:

- Nostalgia and Familiarity: Kids (and adults) naturally connect with familiar things. Reimagining classic toys and games taps into nostalgia and makes them feel comfortable and relatable.
- Technological Advancement: Technology provides endless new possibilities for enhancing gameplay and making old ideas more immersive and engaging.
- The Appeal of the "New": New generations crave novelty and excitement. Reinventing old concepts with a modern twist keeps things fresh and appealing.

The main question is what game is old enough to be reinveted and is it a right moment for this game to be reinvented?

If you are old enough you remember hand-held electronic games that were popular in 80s.

These games were replaced by mobile games  . Driven by nostalgia I have created something  similar but with  some improvements.  I have used fidget spinner as a game controller . The game is an "abstract golf simulator" . This month I have got utility patent for this game.  The first prototype  looks like this :
The next is to make  a  prototype for two players.  

Inside one can see ESP32 , Hall sensor Arduino  modules and LCD1602 I2C displays.


Coding is almost finished. I need to add sound buzzer somehow.
 The target group for this game  I can  describe as  senior people who have plenty of  time for  gaming   with pauses for small   talk, drinking beer or   smoking with friends .
Part II
Classic golf is popular  in English-speaking countries mainly.  Generally, there is no problems to change the rules and  scoring system in a "bocce" style!
Bocce game includes one small ball ( called "pallina") and two sets of four balls for two players.

In my unidimesional  " Bocce" game players  have up to  18 virtual "pallina" values measured in the numbers of rotations of spinner. Two players have to make four attempts to turn their spinners to get the number of rotations  equal or close to the current "pallino" value. When both players will finish  four rotation sessions , the final score will be displayed and new "pallina" value will be offered and displayed .   Such mode of game looks faster than classic "golf" mode. It is interesting to know what people from  countries where Bocce is still popular ( Italy, Spain and France)   think about this version  of my project?

#minigolf,#tabletopgame , #Arduino ,#ESP32,#altctrl, #DIYgame, #pubgame,#electronicgame,#fidgetspinner,#spinner #Bocce




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How to make fidget spinner interesting for the blind people?

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