суббота, 20 августа 2022 г.

Alternative game controllers help to gamify reverse vending process

 The reverse vending machines are  very usefull but they have only one disadvantage - they are "passive" objects ! It is an intersting challenge to attract more people for collecting used cans and bottles.

A year ago I came to the idea of adding an outdoor arcade hardware to the "passive" vending machine.



In order to remove any  sanitary problems cased by endless COVID pandemic I used my next idea of  the foot-operated game controller.Below you can see the 2nd prototype under construction.


 The core idea was to use kid's natural interest to gaming  for extra profit.

But the same interest may be used in the Revers Vending!

 The classic arcade gaming is almost completely killed by COVID and there is a clearly seen deficite of COVID-safe public gaming. There is no problem to use  my old approach in the case of reverse vinding. Kids and  teenagers have a lot of free time but limited pocket money. What if there will be a choice to get a set of  competitive arcade game in addition to some kind of coupons for used plastic bottle and  meta cans? As kids have a lot of free time they can use it fot colecting used  cans and bottles and convert then into gaming with friends.

Classic vending  and reverse vending machines may be installed at the same location and acts as  main attractive element of the meeteing point for local youth.


Any transaction of vending or reverse vending gives a chance to play arcade game. In the cheapist case video and sound of arcade game is broadcasted through local WiFi net and can be received not only by players ( with their mobile devices)  but  also by  onlookers and by-standers.

I made several arcade games  for my foot operated game controllers starting from dance game and soccer. The  most fresh game is about beer bubbles: 

For kids beer bubbles may be replaced with similar bubbles in Coke :).

How to make fidget spinner interesting for the blind people?

While making my fidget spinner projects I like to watch videos about fidget toys  worldwide and how people use them.I was very impressed by ...