пятница, 9 августа 2024 г.

Additional niche for my golf-themed electronic game

 I am glad that    I have managed  to correct all mistakes in my utility patent application. It was not easy , because I did it myself and without any support from patent lawyer !My utility patent  will be marked as:  u13551BY.

In real golf game the time intervals between shots are filled with .... walking.

 Webb Simpson wins The Players Championship

 In my case , I need  to find some kind of additional   activity  while spinner is turning.

 And this activity must be also relaxing! I was surprised by the fact that the same problem occurs in hookah bars. Visitors in hookah bars need something to do while smoking. 

 Every fidget spinner has definite relax features,  so it is interesting  to combine shisha smoking with some new  board games.

In the Middle East  it is natural to smoke and play traditional local  board games.


In the West countries some people do the same .

Of cause I need to adjust the mechanical part of my game for one hand control. It may looks like this for one player case.

For two players we may combine two separate gaming devices or create a  bigger one.


My game needs from 20 minutes to 1 hour to make all 18 holes. One smoking session  takes nearly the same time.  

It will be nice to get any feedback from the owners of hookah lounges.

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